Welcome to Community Place Repository Website!
This repository has almost everything from Community Place.
This site is intended to save data, from VRML files to executables. 
If there's no material that is missing and that you have it saved, join to this discord server or send a mail to communityplacerepository@gmail.com to make known.
These are the servers you can join and chat in Community Place nowdays!.
Use the Server Setter, SAPARi Launcher or KISS Server Selector for joining these servers.
There will be days when some of these servers are offline, so please join to the discord server for more information and technical support about these servers and the server software itself if you want to pull a new server.
Some Community Place related sites:
Sony's Community Place Browser
さぱり-SAPARi-萨帕里 Community Place VRML
Blendo's website. Has guides, topics, and accessories colletion of SAPARi.
How to join
Lead's SAPARi server website.
Virtual Society on the Web
Blendo's website.
SAPARi Community Place
Video demo of Sapari/Community Place and Bureau.
Cyber Passage
Video demo of Cyber Passage version 2 beta 2.
SAPARi Documentary
Dedicated documentary about SAPARi and its history. Video by PachiiMochii.
Koko's shrine - SAPARi
Sapari Central
https://dr9nu.neocities.org/sapari/ (outdated)
What It's About
Surfin' the Web like Zappin' the TV,
Chat On-line like talkin' by phone
Shopping in a virtual city...
Community Place is a VRML product made by Sony Japan on 1995.
The product name was Cyber Passage when it was launched, and since September 1996 it changes to Community Place.
In the end of 2001, Sony ends it development of Community Place.
Browser allows you to enter 3D worlds, to navigate around them, to interact with objects in these worlds and to meet and chat with other users.
Conductor was the VRML and Java authoring tool of this program, Bureau was the multi-user server for this program, that will allow you to choose your 3D representation, your avatar, and will use that avatar to represent you in the shared worlds; at the moment only exists its evaluation versions,
and Application Object Server (AOS) enables you to create application objects (AO) that can be shared real time among multiple users in your 3D world.
What's New
2024/08/21 - download links have been updated.
2022/09/16 - new virtual world!:
-World Mask Theater
2022/07/20 - KISS: a new alternative for connecting to servers.
2022/01/16 - added new software builds !!:
-Community Place Browser Version1.0
-Cyber Passage Version1.0 Beta 1 s (tysm ugng)
2021/12/08 - added new software builds:
-Community Place Browser Version1.0 Evaluation
-Community Place Bureau Version1.0 Beta 2
2021/08/26 - added new virtual worlds!:
-World A-X-E-S
-World MurMur World
and another one, but that is missing: Japanet's Virtual Chat
2021/07/14 - added:
-Cyber Passage Version1.0 Beta 3 alpha
-Cyber Passage Conductor Version1.0 Beta 3 alpha
-World Digital HandyCam
-World The Newyork
-World The Strat
-World "ToyWorlds"
2021/04/11 - now added:
-Community Place Browser Version1.1
2021/04/04 - list of missing vrmls for Community Place/Cyber Passage.
2021/03/06 - new stuff from ouija!!:
-Community Place Browser Version1.0 Evaluation Beta (Direct3D)
-Community Place Browser Version1.0 Evaluation Beta
-Community Place Browser Plug-in Version1.1 Beta (Direct3D)
-Community Place Browser Plug-in Version1.1 Beta
-Community Place Bureau Version1.0 Beta 1
-Cyber Passage Bureau Version1.0 Beta 1
-World Planets
2021/02/28 - first build of 3NA (moony's room!).
2021/02/22 - the site is already finished :-).
2021/01/24 - community-place.neocities.org created.
NOTE:  "If you're using a modern Windows and is 64-bit, you need otvdm 
Browser Version2.0 and later requires JRE and needs dgVoodoo on modern OS,
Conductor requires JRE and JDK,
and AOS (Application Object Server) requires JDK.

VRML 2.0 authoring tool

Multi-user server

Community Place Application Object Server
Cyber Passage
Cyber Passage Conductor
Cyber Passage Bureau
SAPARi Launcher
Join a world in SAPARi without problems (Unofficial program by barra)
Select worlds and set the server you want to join, WLS required or not, and add other servers by your choice. (Unofficial program by Kodi)
Sapari Server Setter
Set the server where SAPARi's worlds connects to (Unofficial program by hxdce)
Enable/disable the bumps from SAPARi. (Unofficial program by barra)
VRML 1.0 to VRML 2.0 executable
Netscape Plugin Chooser
Multi-user worlds

by Sony (Version 1.1) 12.2 MB
Includes Community Place Browser Version1.1
Supported browser: Version 1.1 and later
Patch 890 KB
SAPARi Millenium
Honjo Jidai Mura
by GCO Co.,Ltd. (Version 1.1) 258 KB
Supported browser: Version 1.1 and later
Ski Information Salon
by Nomura Research Institute 1.23 MB
Supported browser: Version 1.1 and later
Video Insider on the Net
by Nomura Research Institute 1.97 MB
Supported browser: Version 1.1 and later
by Heart Gift Co.,Ltd. 6.36 MB
Supported browser: Version 2.0 and later
3D Interactive Education System
by Nomura Research Institute 8.68 MB
Supported browser: Version 2.0 and later
by Sony (Version 1.0.9) 11 MB
Supported browser: Version 2.0 and later
Standalone worlds
703 KB
Supported browser: Version 1.1 and later
Circus Park 2
1.25 MB
Supported browser: Version 1.1 and later
Circus Park 7
1.31 MB
Supported browser: Version 1.1 and later
Sumida Bar
208 KB
Supported browser: Version 1.1 and later
1.46 MB
Supported browser: Version 1.0 and later
BT Play World
1.91 MB
Supported browser: Version 1.0 and later
Mask Theater
117 KB
Supported browser: Version 1.0 and later
403 KB
Supported browser: Version 2.0 and later
2.52 MB
Supported browser: Version 1.0 and later
Cyberspace Pinball Machine
1.21 MB
Supported browser: Version 1.0 and later
Virtual Theater
455 KB
Supported browser: Version 1.1 and later
Other worlds
12.6 MB
MurMur World
3.36 MB
Supported browser: Version 1.1 and later
210 KB
Supported browser: Version 1.1 and later
164 KB
Supported browser: Version 1.1 and later
The Cable Guy Chat Room
1.04 MB
Supported browser: Cyber Passage Version 2.0
3.49 MB
Supported browser: Cyber Passage Version 2.0
1.66 MB
Supported browser: Cyber Passage Version 2.0
3.22 MB
It contains some original worlds for Cyber Passage in the early days (UFO, TV, Origami, AirShip, Analog Clock, etc.).
Supported browser: Cyber Passage Version 1.0 and later
The Newyork
937 KB
Supported browser: Cyber Passage Version 1.0 and later
Digital HandyCam World
1.02 MB
Supported browser: Cyber Passage Version 1.0 and later
The Strat
10.9 MB
Supported browser: Cyber Passage Version 1.0 and later
14.4 MB
Show Off!
Send your worlds, models and scripts to communityplacerepository@gmail.com.
3NA: moony's room (build 1)
154 KB by barra
Supported browser: Version 1.1 and later
first 3na related vrml world (first build)
139 KB by barra
Supported browser: Version 1.1 and later
test world
-The page and everything else.
Thank You!
-Community Place Browser Version1.0 Evaluation Beta (Direct3D)
-Community Place Browser Version1.0 Evaluation Beta
-Community Place Browser Plug-in Version1.1 Beta (Direct3D)
-Community Place Browser Plug-in Version1.1 Beta
-Community Place Bureau Version1.0 Beta 1
-Cyber Passage Bureau Version1.0 Beta 1
-World Planets
-Community Place Bureau Version2.0 Beta 1
-Community Place Conductor Version2.0
-Community Place Browser Plug-in Version2.0 Preview Release 1 (Direct3D and Renderware)
-Cyber Passage Version1.0 Beta 3 alpha
-Cyber Passage Conductor Version1.0 Beta 3 alpha
-World Digital HandyCam
-World The Newyork
-World The Strat
-World "ToyWorlds"
Masayuki Ishikawa
-Community Place Conductor Version2.0
-Community Place Browser Version1.0 Evaluation
-Community Place Browser Plug-in Version1.1 Beta 2
-Cyber Passage Conductor Version1.0 Beta 3
-Library content for Community Place Conductor
-Community Place Browser Version2.0 (Direct3D)
-Community Place Browser Version2.2 Evaluation
-Community Place Bureau Version2.0 Evaluation
-Community Place Browser Version1.0 Evaluation
-Community Place Bureau Version1.0 Beta 2
-Cyber Passage Version2.0 Beta 1 s
-Community Place Browser Version1.0
-Cyber Passage Version2.0 Beta 2
Wayback Machine
Thanks for existing.
-Almost everything of Community Place/Cyber Passage
Thanks for existing.
-Community Place Browser Version2.0 Preview Release 2
-Community Place Bureau Version2.0 Beta 2
-Community Place Conductor Version2.0 Preview Release 1
-Community Place Browser Plug-in Version2.0 Preview Release 1 (Direct3D and Renderware)
Thank you for give me interest in this!